“Von Hier an Neu”, a project by Christiane Hütter (Future with Play)
Costume/Device Design: Hannah Perner-Wilson and Mika Satomi (KOBAKANT)
Christiane Hütter from Invisible Playground created a participatory theater/ game to be played by group of participants. They will be sent to the future using the “wearable time machine” and they have to collect data in future, such as “happiness” and “optimism”. The game was designed to create a discourse around what one desire for the future society. More on the concept at the project page (in German) >>
Together with Hannah, we created a Time Machine jacket that allows the team to travel into future, and special devices to measure happiness and optimism in the environment. The jacket was equipped with a lot of pockets to collect specimens from the future and also to keep your snack for the way.
The project was presented at the opening of the Futurium Berlin in 2019 September.
From the Making process: