
Indigo dying in the region has also a connotation of “traditional”. Blaudruck/ blueprint fabrics has been used in Dirndl (traditional Austrian clothing) and has special meanings in Austrian culture.
But I question here, what is “traditional” when it comes to cultural practices? Culture is practiced in the current time today, and will continue to be practiced tomorrow, and the day after tomorrow… and so on, and so on into future.

The culture will die at the moment one fixes it and look into the practice of yesterday.

tradition | trəˈdiSH(ə)n | noun: 1. the transmission of customs or beliefs from generation to generation, or the fact of being passed on in this way. a long-established custom or belief that has been passed on in this way. an artistic or literary method or style established by an artist, writer, or movement, and subsequently followed by others. 2. Theology a doctrine believed to have divine authority though not in the scriptures. ORIGIN late Middle English: from Old French tradicion, or from Latin traditio(n-), from tradere ‘deliver, betray’, from trans- ‘across’ + dare ‘give’