We woke up with the dead mouse on the floor, trapped in a trap! It is a bit mean, but they destroy the house buy chowing up everything… so we have to set up traps and kill them. Every night we hear them having a party on the ettic, and we were not sure if we should just let them have fun or control them… hard decision. Mag brought it outside and left the body on a moss bed. Rest in Peace…
Today is our shower day. We boiled a big pot of hot water and adjust the temperature by mixing with cold water. It starts quite hot and ends with somewhere warm and cold. I set up the shower curtain only on 3 sides so when the wind brows from the front, it is very very cold! It feels nice to be naked in the nature though. I remember the PIF camp and swimming in the Soca river.
In the mean time, Mag goes to chuck the wood, and records the sound of chainsaw and ax. She has also recorded the fire sound in fire place earlier. We later tried these field recordings on Organelle.
During the day, we went to shopping to the nearest town. The main aim for the shopping trip was to buy coffee beans as we run out of it… Now we got 2 big bags of coffee beans. This is our essentials for working.
My first task today is to add sensor on/off button. For quick solution, I added a push button to 8th analog sensor input as we are currently not using so many sensors. The 8th sensor reading then goes into “> 0.8” and “onebang” object to trigger the gate that is controlling the value sent to Organelle or not. Mag tested this setting, and after some hiccup (I manage to connect wrong input!) it works good. It feels like she in in charge of the set-up now.
The rest of the day was spent to clean up the spaghetti mess I created yesterday and make the workings of the control patch robust. After the clean-up, we tested the patch + sensor/hardware + Organelle and it feels much more robust now. Mag tried out the field recordings from today with the DJ patch and she was a bit disappointed as it did not sound interesting as she thought. I was very concentrated that I forgot to take any video of the try-outs.