Teaching/ Courses

Weissensee Art Academy Berlin

2014 Summer Semester
101 one-o-one
The skills of electronics engineering and programming used to be exclusively a tool for engineers. However, nowadays it is developing more and more into a tool for designers to realize their dynamic and interactive design prototypes. This eLab course project “101 (One-O-One)” covers the introduction to electronics and programming, to equip students with the basic skills necessary to create their own interactive design prototypes.

2014/15 Winter Semester
Seamless Transitions
Stufe, Absatz, Sprung, Schwelle, Kante beschreiben den Wechsel zwischen zwei Zuständen, Orten oder Materialien. Er ist oft abrupt, irritierend und störend. In diesem Projekt wollen wir die Grenzen zwischen Materie – also der physischen Welt des haptisch-taktilen – und Information – der Welt des digital- vernetzten – ausloten.
Wie kann es gelingen, diese beiden Welten nahtlos miteinander zu verbinden?! Wann und wo macht diese Strategie konzeptionell Sinn und wie verändern sich Objekte und Oberflächen in ihrer formalen Gestaltung, um diese neue Hybridzustände zu ermöglichen? Welche neuen Interaktionsqualitäten lassen sich damit erreichen?

2015 Summer Semester
body: extended
Wearable Technology came into our everyday life from the world of science or the world of Science Fiction. The classic idea of Man-Machine Cyborg to cutting edge Google glass, we are surrounded by various ideas and visions about how we could or would embed technology on our body extending our function, ability, aesthetics and socio-cultural environment. But what does it mean to embed technology onto/into our body? What does it enable us? How does it extend our function? And is there any consequences of this extension?

2015/16 Winter Semester
Artificial skins and bones
Semester Project Course (Product Design, Textile and Surface Design)
Inspired by our own skin and bones, the course challenges you to design artificial skins and bones. The design can be applied onto our body to extend or restore its function, scale up/down and apply onto bigger/smaller surfaces or structures, or you can change parameters (for example, skin structure in 3 dimensions, bone structure with flexible materials) and think of completely different ways the design is applied.

2021/22 Winter Semester
Communicating Bodies
Semester Project Course (Product Design, Textile and Surface Design, Fashion Design)
The recent shift to remote meetings and online lectures makes us lack the experience of bodies in our communication. How can we overcome this frustrating experience? Can we think of ways to extend our limited digital tools to promote our bodies as means of communication.
The course started with a collaborative 2 weeks Hands-on Workshop with the Spiel und Objekt students from the Ernst Busch Hochschule

2022 Summer Semester
0|1 Unraveling Bits
Semester Project Course (Product Design, Textile and Surface Design)
The influence of “Textile thinking” in the development of computers is often discussed, but how exactly are they connected? What was the inspiration, and how is it inherited in modern computers? Will there be a next generation of cross pollination between textile and digital technology?

2022/23 Winter Semester
The Tone of Things / Der Umgangston der Dinge
Co-Teaching with Professor Carola Zwick
Semester Project Course (Product Design, Textile and Surface Design)
In the interaction with our environment all senses play together shaping this experience. In addition to visual and tactile qualities, physical things also have a sound inherent in their material and form, which can be experienced in the process interacting with them. Objects of the technosphere often use sound only in a very primitive form to convey information.In this project, we explored the auditive space in order to enrich everyday objects and situations through consciously designed sound experiences. The goal of the studio project was to create an interaction or an object that exemplifies this new quality and thus establishes the „tone“ as a dimension to be designed.

Soft interactive technologies
2x Weekend block workshops / semester (Textile and Surface Design)
In diesem Modul werden die Zusammenhänge von Textilien und Interaction Design untersucht und in Form von experimentellen Arbeiten mit elektrisch leitenden Materialien und elektronischen Werkzeugen – analogen und digitalen – in Verbindung mit herkömmlichen textilen Prozessen wie Sticken, Weben, Drucken, Laminieren, etc. vermittelt. Einstieg in die Modellierung von Prozessen (Programmierung) physisch-digitaler Umgebungen und greifbaren Benutzerschnittstellen sowie in die Mikrocontroller-Plattform Arduino/Lilypad für Textil- und Flächen- Design. Neben den Grundlagen des Programmierens werden Inhalte der Mensch-Maschine-Interaktion, mit besonderem Schwerpunkt auf E-Textiles, Soft Interfaces, Wearables- und Ubiquitous Computing thematisiert. In die praktische Auseinandersetzungen mit digitalen und physischen Modellen wird der theoretische Anteil mit einbezogen.

Linz Art University

Since 2016 until 2021 I tought together with Hannah Perner-Wilson a course “Fashionable Technology I” at the Linz Art University. The course is given as joint course at the Fashion and Technology BA and Interface Culture MA programs.

2016 Winter Semester : https://www.kobakant.at/DIY/?p=6147
2017 Winter Semester: https://www.kobakant.at/DIY/?p=6994
2018 Winter Semester: https://www.kobakant.at/DIY/?p=7470
2019 Winter Semester: https://www.kobakant.at/DIY/?p=8050

Since the 2020, the Fashionable Technology course is re-scheduled as a part of Interface Cultures MA program.

2020 Winter Semester: https://www.kobakant.at/DIY/?p=8637
2021 Winter Semester: https://www.kobakant.at/DIY/?p=9441